Awake Youth Ministries is here to assist the youth in their Christian discipleship, and helping them grow spiritually though worship, study, biblical teaching, and fellowship.
At Awake Youth Ministries we desire to be an engaging body of Christ with and attitude of making a difference in our community.
We strive to be a group that will:
Attract others to become part of the body of Christ
Energize and equips the students to extend the love of Christ to their peers
Surround others with the love and encouragement that Jesus set as an example
We enjoy getting together often to fellowship. Some of our events that we participate in are church camp, weekend retreats, movie nights, and just getting together and enjoying each other’s company.
Romans 13:11-12 is the background scripture for Awake Youth Ministries. We truly believe this passage and we live it out in our lives every day. We teach our teens that we must not turn a blind eye to the things of this world and what is going on in it daily. We need to “wake up” and smell the coffee for the day of the Lord is coming quickly. We encourage our teens to put on the full armor of God everyday that protects them from the evil in our world. Bible reading and teaching along with prayer are the basis of every youth group meeting. We bring our bibles everywhere we go and we do not ever miss a chance to discuss the Word of God wherever we go and whatever we do.

It is the heart and mission of the Flock Children's MInistry to develop the next generation to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Focused on taking care of K-5th children. The Flock is devoted to helping the children of The Shepherds House establish a foundation in the word of God. The Flock is more than just a children's ministry; we consider ourselves a family ministry. We believe that where there are healthy families, you'll find healthy children. Our goal is to come alongside your family to help your children learn what it means to love God with all their heart and love others as themselves. (Deut 6:5-9)

Women's Ministries

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." Hebrews 3:13
We need each other. Sometimes life is hard, and we aren't strong enough on our own. Sometimes life is confusing, and we don't know what to do. Sometimes life makes us want to crawl in a hole and disappear. God gives us friends for times like these.
We need the wisdom of women who have gone ahead of us...they have been through the terrible two's, little league, teenagers, and the empty nest...and LIVED to tell about it!
We need the fresh enthusiasm and encouragement of the women who are going through similar life circumstances. BUT, we also need to reach out to there for them in their hard there to laugh with there to cheer them on. NOT the way the world teaches us, but the way Jesus teaches us in HIS Word.
That's what GIRL TIME (women's ministries) at The Shepherd's House is all about...women sharing life and figuring out how to follow Jesus TOGETHER. Are we perfect? No. Do we mess it up sometimes? Yes. But through it all, we stay together, through the grace of God, and keep going TOGETHER.

Historically and biblically, men have been essential to the fulfillment of the Church's mission and spread of the gospel. Men have served in crucial positions of leadership in all areas of ministry, clergy and lay, domestic and international.
The purpose of Men's Ministries is to assist and encourage all men of our church to enrich their lives and Christian walk through a variety of opportunities. These opportunities include not only activities that provide for receiving encouragement, camaraderie, and spiritual support, but also those that provide support, outreach, and service to the many other ministries within our church and community.
The Men's Ministries office can be contacted by e-mail at